Wednesday 16 July 2014

Cloud Atlas

Hello there. It’s not often a film is beautiful, distressing, joyful, mischievous, confusing, heartfelt and satisfying all at the same time. Cloud Atlas, why wasn't this film more of a success?
It might have something to do with the fact its long or the fact at times it’s feels like the film makers have the remote control to the screen and are channel hopping.
I did wish at times that some scenes played out for longer. Slower, maybe. I could have watched this story told over a longer period, six or nine hours possibly. Perhaps covering some to the smaller touches from the novel.
The story plays out over six different time periods and with the same cast playing diversely different characters. This was both a joy and a bother. If in one part someone is a villain you can’t quite feel for them in a different era if the character is in danger. You want bad things to happen to bad people. But if they are swapped for good people you can get conflicted.
For some parts your hearts bleeds for these people and in others you are lost on what to think until their final moments. Of course it’s confusing. I know certain people I would never dream of showing this film to because it would just be beyond them. You sometimes read comments that a film stays with you. This one certainly has. It’s been banging around in my head for days now. I want to watch it again. But I sometimes dislike watching a film so soon after the first showing. I tend to wait so my idiot’s mind can forget things and go back to it afresh.

It’s beautiful, simply beautiful. I hope in years to come it is appraised anew and rediscovered, it deserves it.

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